Order of the Arrow Lodge Patches @ the World Scouting Museum
Located in the Order of the Arrow Room
Below you will find links to all the Order of the Arrow Lodges and the patches that we have on display.
We are looking to add any missing issues ( either patch, neckerchief, or otherwise) from lodges to our collection, and we could use your help to make that happen! Please reach out to the Museum, mail us a package of donations with clear information about who you are and where you were involved with Scouting, or stop by to drop off any missing Order of the Arrow Lodge Patch Issues. If you have any questions please reach out to the Museum Curator @ wsmwvcurator@gmail.com
You can mail any packages to the World Scouting Museum 1615 Washington St E Charleston, WV 25311 – We prefer USPS but accept all shipping methods.=
Please be advised this area is still under construction at this time. – World Scouting Museum We are in the process of adding photos and the numerous other Lodges that have come and gone in the past. All the current Order of the Arrow Lodges should be available to view. If you find an empty page that means we do not have any patches to show for that lodge at this time and need donations.
Alabama Lodges
Alaska Lodges
Arizona Lodges
Arkansas Lodges
California Lodges
Colorado Lodges
Connecticut Lodges
Delaware Lodges
Florida Lodges
Georgia Lodges
Hawaii Lodges
Idaho Lodges
Illinois Lodges
Indiana Lodges
Iowa Lodges
Kansas Lodges
Kentucky Lodges
Louisiana Lodges
Maine Lodges
Maryland Lodges
Massachusetts Lodges
Michigan Lodges
Minnesota Lodges
Mississippi Lodges
Missouri Lodges
Montana Lodges
Nebraska Lodges
Nevada Lodges
New Hampshire Lodges
New Jersey Lodges
New Mexico Lodges
New York Lodges
North Carolina Lodges
North Dakota Lodges
Ohio Lodges
Oklahoma Lodges
Oregon Lodges
Pennsylvania Lodges
Puerto Rico Lodges
Rhode Island Lodges
South Carolina Lodges
South Dakota Lodges
Tennessee Lodges
Texas Lodges
Utah Lodges
Vermont Lodges
Virginia Lodges
Virgin Islands Lodges
Washington Lodges
West Virginia Lodges
Wisconsin Lodges
Wyoming Lodges
International Lodges
NOAC & Jamboree Specially Formed Lodges
These links will be updated with new pages as we build them and add them to the website. Please let us know if you would like us to send you photos of a specific lodge in hopes of donating something if your page is not completed as of yet!
2024 NOAC Issues Request Le… by wsmwvcurator