John Huskins – Gilwell Camp Chief 1969 – 1975
John Huskins, contributor.
Camp Chief at Gilwell from 1969-1975.
Akela or Wolf Fang Award
Donations made by John Huskins to the then Las Vegas International Scouting Museum now World Scouting Museum.
This award was given to Cub Scout Leaders who completed a wood badge-type Training Course for Cub Leaders at Gilwell between 1923 and 1927. Fewer than 150 were awarded. This badge was presented to the World Scouting Museum on January 26, 2010, by John Huskins.
Wood Badge Beads
This string of 4 original Denizulu Necklace beads was presented to Belge Wilson by Baden Powell in 1923. Wilson served as Camp Chief at Gilwell from 1923-1943. He then gave them to John Huskins in 1969, and John gave them to the Las Vegas International Scouting Museum during his visit to the Museum on January 26, 2010, along with two Mafeking medallions.
Baden Powell Bronze Statue
Baden Powell Bronze Statue #1 sculpted by Michael Call was delivered to the Museum on January 16, 2009. Shown here with the statue are R. Lynn Horne, Executive Director, and John Huskins of Bristol, England.