1953 National Scout Jamboree Neckerchief

The Boy Scouts of America National Scout Jamboree was held from July 17 to July 23, 1953, on the Irvine Ranch in California, which is now the Fashion Island Shopping Center. You can visit the Fashion Island Shopping Center today at: 401 Newport Center Dr, Newport Beach, CA 92660. If you click here, we have an entire page of news articles and other information available about the 1953 National Scout Jamboree available!

Here is a list of all the signatures on the Neckerchief that was collected by the Order of the Arrow Lodge 251 Hoh-Squa-Sa-Gah-Da from Los Angeles, California. The Lodge collected all the signatures from Celebrities prior and during the 1953 Jamboree on the Irvine Ranch. Below the list we will show pictures and bios for each signer.

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